Why ABC Membership?
Find out how ABC Membership can help to connect, support and promote you.
Tailored member offers
Access a range of industry-wide discounts with ABC membership (Available on the Bronze and Silver plans).
Business health check
The business health check includes a consultation session with expert business advisors to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that exist with your business (Available on the Silver plan).
Business guidance
Benefit from the latest legislative and good practice guidance through the secure membership platform (Available on the Silver plan).
Host an ABCurry Club
The ability to host one of our popular ABCurry Clubs, providing you with the opportunity to showcase your business and connect with the North East community (Available on the Gold plan).
Business resources
Access business guides, templates and toolkits to help your business grow through the secure membership platform (Available on the Gold plan).
Member articles
The opportunity to share your valuable knowledge, insights and news with the ABC community by creating and publishing articles via the membership platform (Available on the Gold plan).
Quarterly roundtable event
Attend the quarterly roundtable event for insights from thought leaders and prospering organisations across the North East (Available on the Gold plan).
ABCurry Club
Get free tickets to the popular ABCurry Club events. These events host business leaders and persons of influence as keynote speakers, as well as, delicious curry. (Available on the Bronze, Silver and Gold plan).
Radio show feature
The opportunity to feature on Spice FM's Weekly Show Business, hosted by Jalf and Ammar, Founders of ABC. This 10-minute feature opens up a channel for you to communicate to an audience of more than 15,000 listeners across the North East (Available on the Gold plan).
Discounted ticket for the ABC Annual Dinner
Receive a 10% discount on individual and table tickets at the ABC Annual Dinner (Available on the Bronze, Silver and Gold plan).
Bi-monthly feature in the ABC newsletter
A bi-monthly advert feature to be included in the ABC newsletter and delivered to more than 1,500 individuals and organisations throughout the North East (Available on the Gold plan).
Employment network opportunities
Find new job opportunities in the North East by uploading your CV and matching with potential employers through the membership platform (Available on the Bronze plan).
Access North East talent
Fill in your vacancies by finding potential candidates through the secure ABC membership platform (Available on the Gold plan).