Including: Enterprise Ignition, Newcastle United, Airview Park visits, ABC Awards Final Preparation and Show Business.

This week our chair and founder was firmly focused on developing international trade links through the soon to open International Trade Centre Airview Park alongside continuing to connect, support and promote the Asian and wider communities.
Ammar kicking the week off by meeting with Innovate UK Edge and the Global Explorer programme to explore collaboration with the planned Saudi visit at the end of October, where Ammar will be hosted by Saudi Business Links. SBL are the trade partners for Airview and will be based there.
Meeting with Nicander to further explore innovative software development for the regulatory sector with in the UK. Later in the week Ammar and Yatin Gupta Head of Customer Experience at ABC visited Nicander to discuss global growth plans and their world leading Bus Priority service. The service helps tackle pollution, improves passenger safety and security, helping create cleaner and more efficient cities.
Further developing the international trade plan for Airview with the Operations Director Phil Andrew, and defining how ABC can ensure an inclusive growth programme can be incorporated. Phil has developed a range of services helping ABC stakeholders and members address cost reduction given the rising costs impacting all organisations.
Ammar continues to support the AHSN across a number of innovation led projects including a digital resource tool that can help improve patient care working with pharmaceutical companies. The AHSN have recently changed their name to Health Innovation North East and North Cumbria, which reflects their key role in supporting the development and spread of innovation across the region’s health service.
Following on, he then met with CPI to discuss a number of potential collaborative opportunities including skills, innovation programmes and the international trade centre.

Helped deliver the ABC Enterprise Ignition programme, covering the impact of an effective business model and completing a Yohlar Discovery session to help identify and plan to overcome common challenges for start-ups. The Enterprise Ignition programme is delivered in collaboration with NatWest and the SME Centre of Excellence and has helped support over 200 individuals explore enterprise and establish a new business . Later in the week, the ABC team met to discuss the further development of the final phase of the Enterprise Ignition programme.
Caught up with YABA Board Member and entrepreneur Mo Hussain to discuss the International Trade Centre and explore further international partnerships through providing regional companies with virtual skills force to address recruitment and retention issues impacting regional organisations.
Delivered a discovery session with Global Innovation Labs and Spearhead who are working together on developing digital solutions for the healthcare sector, to improve waiting times and access to clinical support.
Yohlar and ABC programme development to further enhance the Inclusive Innovation Framework that has been developed to help organisations implement inclusive practices in an empathetic approach.
Visited Sanam Travel in Newcastle, one of the foremost travel agents who have been long term members of ABC and will become part of the International Trade Centre at Airview. Sanam Travel are the leading Emirates agency within the North East and Ammar has used them for over 20 years for all business travel requirements. Sanam Hussain is an ABC lifetime award winner and also hosts a regular show on Spice FM.
Supported Newcastle United who beat PSG 4-1 at one of the most exciting games ever played at Newcastle United. Ammar caught up with Ian Payne and Malcolm MacDonald at the stadium, both of whom are advocates for creating a more inclusive North East.

Facilitated a meeting with CPD Match and County Durham and Darlington Foundation Trust. CPD Match proactively match the needs of healthcare professionals with relevant, accessible and affordable education; ensuring staff do not miss opportunities and reduce the environmental impact of attendance.
Met with Taf Ali from Sheridan’ solicitors and Jalf Ali, co founder of ABC. They discussed the International Trade Centre. Taf is keen to support the digital and tech professional services element of the international trade centre activities through fellow legal tech experts who represent some of the world leading tech firms.
Attended a planning session with Amit Bahanda ABC Awards Director and Sandeep Kapoor from Chai Events. The nearly sold out event is destined to be bigger and better with a host of entertainment and celebration including Tommy Sandhu, Samantha Allen and Jefri alongside 10 awards recognising the significant contribution of the Asian community.
Spice FM special guest Hamid Motraghi MBE, Director of Health Equity and Inclusion at the North East and North Cumbria NHS, joined Ammar and Jalf on their weekly show business radio show where they highlighted Samantha Allen from North East and North Cumbria NHS ICB, who is stepping up as our 2023 ABC Annual Awards keynote speaker!

Meeting with the Pro Vice Chancellor Craig Gaskell ABC Award Sponsor Teesside Uni where there talked about the recent significant achievements of the University including the Knowledge Exchange Framework and Research Excellence Framework both of which Teesside have achieved one of the best ratings available. They also discussed the planned trade visit to Saudi and the upcoming ABC Awards where Teesside are a key sponsor.
Followed by catching up with Abdulrahman Alghamdi the head of the Saudi Society in Newcastle East to discuss partnerships, an Saudi Expo in the North East and support for the upcoming trade visit to Saudi through the Trade Centre at Airview Park.
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